Open Eyes,
Open Minds
Transform how you and your colleagues observe, listen, lead, and think together. Art is the catalyst.
We structure experiences with art that generate collaboration, empathic communication, and cognitive and behavioral development. Then, we teach you how to apply these strategies back at work.
The results are engaged, creative employees and growth—the growth of people and the bottom line.
Our approach is rooted in Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS), a research-based method for leading discussion originally developed for art museums and schools.
Grounded in research from cognitive psychology and art education, VTS is highly effective at fostering critical thinking skills, collaboration, and a sense of belonging. In 2002, VTS was introduced into healthcare at Harvard Medical School. It is now used and studied at K-12 schools and medical schools internationally.
Hailey Group founder Dabney Hailey pioneered the adaptation of these thinking and discussion strategies for the business world. Our workshops, trainings, and courses help professionals communicate and lead more effectively while equipping them with tools to enhance work products and processes.
Outcomes of VTS Learning for the Workplace
Enhanced observation, listening, critical thinking, and communication skills.
Deepens self-awareness and metacognition, or noticing one’s own thinking patterns, assumptions, and biases, as well as those of others.
Improves how leaders and teams manage ambiguity, consider multiple perspectives, and avoid premature decision-making.
Promotes collaboration and understanding across diverse viewpoints and strengthens team bonds.
Provides practical, research-based facilitation skills that are applicable across a broad range of workflows.
Attentiveness, presentness, and togetherness.
Explore our custom workshops and experiences, designed for organizations from Fortune 500s to startups and nonprofits across industries. We co-design with you for your context and people, so please reach out for more information or schedule a call.
Join a training in our VTS@Work® Program or ask us to deliver one customized for your leaders and teams.
If you are a healthcare professional, you can earn CME credit through the course, Training Our Eyes, Minds, and Hearts: Visual Thinking Strategies for Healthcare Professionals, through Harvard Medical School.
“Learning this process profoundly impacts how people lead and engage one another—linking observations with evidence, finding more than one right answer, preventing premature decisions, and cultivating authentic collaboration and empathy. I apply what I learned every day.
“VTS is a deceptively simple tool that uncovers profound insights, fostering an inclusive space for discovery. It’s not the conventional ‘what is leadership’ sort of training and frameworks we’ve been through. It is more organic. It really allows different cognitive and engagement styles to participate in any dialogue.
“VTS encourages voices of dissent and of collaboration…hearing the views of many people is the only way we can get a 360-degree view. If we only think around 90 degrees of a topic, we might miss the other 270 and pass along to the consumer an incomplete and insufficient product.”
Described how they can immediately apply what they learned.
More than a thousand business and healthcare professionals have evaluated our workshops.
Found the experience
valuable, productive, and applicable.